Theoretical Basics - Principles of Remote Sensing
1. Fundamentals of Remote Sensing
a. Definition, historical background, and applications
b. Active vs. passive sensing, remote sensing platforms
2. Electromagnetic Radiation
a. Electromagnetic spectrum and key sections for remote sensing
b. Properties of waves: wavelength, frequency, reflection, absorption
3. Atmospheric Interactions
a. Atmospheric composition and effects on radiation
b. Scattering, absorption, and atmospheric windows
4. Surface Interactions
a. Reflection, refraction, and spectral characteristics of surfaces (vegetation, water, soil)
b. Thermal emission and blackbody radiation
5. Sensors and Platforms
a. Types of sensors
b. Data acquisition methods and remote sensing systems
6. Data (Pre-)Processing
a. Pre-processing
b. Image classification and change detection
7. Application: Wetlands
a. Environmental monitoring → Strong emphasis on wetlands
Hands on Sessions – Exercises in QGIS and R
1. How to conduct a remote sensing case study
a. Overall aim and focus on Sentinel-2 data and their vegetation/landcover analysis
b. Importance of ancillary data (in the following mostly “vector data”)
c. Importance of field / in situ data
2. Potential and Challenges of spatial data analysis
3. Overview of available spatial data and respective sources
a. Sentinel-2 images – spectral, temporal and spatial resolution
b. Possibilities and limitations of Sentinel-2 data
4. General introduction to spatial data
a. Formats, types, file types, metadata, sources
5. Introduction to how to handle spatial
data within various software solutions
a. Vector import/export
b. Raster import/export
6. Introduction to R and QGIS
a. Vector manipulations
b. Projections
7. Vector Analysis
a. Buffer, intersect, query
8. Raster preprocessing
a. Special focus on clouds and creating mosaics
9. Raster Analysis
a. Vegetation indices (NDVI, NDMI, NDWI, …): suitability and calculation
b. Land cover classification (supervised vs. unsupervised classification algorithms)
10. Raster-Vector query
a. Combination of remote sensing products, ancillary data and field data
11. Validation / Accuracy assessment
Remote Sensing Department
at the University of Würzburg,
Institute of Geography and Geology
Oswald-Külpe-Weg 86
97074 Würzburg